Stop feeding your topsoil screener oversized material. You’ve seen it before, large rocks or debris can pile up as you screen, blocking materials from efficiently passing through. A material blockage could ruin your screens, causing early replacement of your topsoil screens and put a stop to your production line. This problem could cost you – in lost production and penalties for project delays. When processing material in a variety of sizes, Rock screens are the perfect solution.
Larger material to screen – If you’re handling a load with rocks and rubble in a variety of sizes, Rock screens are perfect for sizing and sorting materials into what you need to crush and what you can use.
Heavy debris – Rock bars were made to handle the heavy impact of large materials that you worry might damage your soil screener. (If you don’t think your screener can handle what you’re throwing at it, check out our line of soil screeners built tough and made to last.)
Too much, too fast – No one wants rocks piling up on their soil screener. The inclined framing of a Rock Screen helps cull the larger debris, so that your oversized pile ends up on the ground, not on your screen.
Efficient screening – Get your profits screened and off the ground quicker. This pre-screening tool is self-cleaning, helping to speed up production, and is one step toward streamlining your soil screening process.